Generate a list of one or more capitals of countries around the world.
The random capital city generator is an online tool that gives you a list of the official capitals of a given number of countries. Out of the 195 countries in our world, you can generate a list of 1 to 195 random capital city names in a random order.
You also have the option to include the name of the parent country while generating the capital names. The random capital generator is an online equivalent of swirling a globe and randomly touching a spot to choose your next holiday destination.
It can be difficult to recollect a list of random capital names without repetition by a common man. So, use our capital name generator to generate a new list of capitals (and their countries) with these simple steps -
Our tool can list out any single capital city or go up to 195 capitals in a random order.
Our capital name generator is free to use without any premium subscriptions. Moreover, you can use this tool from any desktop or mobile device on any browser. This handiness makes our tool an on-the-go reference without needing an atlas or encyclopedia.
This tool provides random results in no specific sorting order. If you happen to get a sorted list of country-capital pairs, it is purely a result of randomness. Currently, we do not have an option to sort the results.
Yes. The capital names are official capitals of countries obtained from the latest online encyclopedias. We update our lists whenever a country's capital cities change.