Facebook Post Comment Export

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Facebook Comment Export Tool

Our FREE Facebook Comments Export tool allows you to extract and export Facebook comments from posts on your Facebook page and commenters’ names to an Excel sheet in CSV format.

Important: Your comment data is not stored, sold, or shared by us. Only your browser and the Facebook API are used to download comments. It is strictly used for personal use only. We take care of your followers’ privacy.

What is Facebook Comment Export?

Our FREE Facebook Comments Export tool allows you to extract and export Facebook comments from posts on your Facebook page and commenters’ names to an Excel sheet in CSV format.

Important: Your comment data is not stored, sold, or shared by us. Only your browser and the Facebook API are used to download comments. It is strictly used for personal use only. We take care of your followers’ privacy.

How to Export Facebook Comments?

The steps to export Facebook comments are as follows:
  1. You can use the Facebook comment export tool by simply tapping the Connect Facebook button above and logging into your Facebook account.
  2. Now click next and select the group, page and post from which you want to export the comments.
    You can include a comment text and/or a hashtag that you want to include while exporting. You can also block any user you don’t want to export.
  3. Click on Export Comments to CSV.

Your Facebook comments will now be retrieved, downloaded, and exported in CSV format. The following information can be found in the Excel sheet:

  1. A Facebook user name who’ve commented.
  2. The Facebook comment
  3. The like count of the comment.
  4. The comment’s date.
  5. Comment ID.
  6. Parent Comment ID (if a comment is a reply).
  7. The comment’s URL.
  8. And Post ID

Benefits of using a Facebook Comment Export tool

Downloading the Facebook comments will allow you to:

  • Use our wheel of names to collect names to choose a winner for your Facebook giveaway or competition.
  • Use our Facebook Comment Picker to see if the comments, comment count, and commenters match.
  • Examine your Facebook followers and comments.
  • Back up your Facebook posts’ comment information.

Export settings for Facebook comments

You can select export choices after choosing your Facebook page and post. Below are several options you can choose for the Facebook comment export tool.

Remove repeated users

When this filter is turned on, we will remove numerous comments from the same user. The export will only contain this user’s initial remark. A user ID is obtained from Facebook to identify a certain repeated user.

Add comment responses

If this option is enabled, comment replies are included in the comment export. Comment replies are omitted from the comment export by default. While exporting, you will also receive the parent comment ID for the response.

Sort comments before exporting

The comments can be sorted in Excel by the Facebook user’s name, date (newest first), date (oldest first), and the number of likes.

Use a specific text to filter comments

A second text field where you can insert a certain word, hashtag, or response will display if you enable this filter. The text needs to be in a comment in order to be exported.

Comment export fields

The CSV file will contain the fields that you choose from this list. We choose the username and comment by default.

How much is the tool going to cost? Are there any restrictions?

We don’t have any restrictions as the tool is absolutely FREE to use.

Can I download comments from Facebook on my personal profile or other (public) Facebook sites I manage?

Only the comments on your Facebook business page can be exported. We are not authorized to use the Facebook API to retrieve comments from your personal profile or any publicly accessible Facebook sites.

Can I export facebook comments from the plugin?

No need to have any plugin since you can directly choose the group > page > and post to export the comments.

Why do I see strange characters in my CSV file?

Some versions of Excel have a known bug that causes strange characters in CSV files. To make the odd characters better:

  1. Launch Excel.
  2. According to the version, use one of the following methods to import CSV:
  3. Data > From CSV or Text.
  4. Data > External Data Import > Data Import.
  5. Change the character set or file origin to 65001: Unicode (UTF-8).
  6. Finish or load the import.