Click Counter Online

Count people, steps, or whatever you want. All it takes is a click on our click counter

What is a Click Counter?

A Click Counter is a device that uses electronic or software to precisely count something. Click counters are easily understood by everyone. If you want to count your attempts, this tool will be helpful. Additionally, it helps increase productivity. The online click counter tracks the number of mouse clicks, inventory count, exercise repetitions, number of people, etc.

How to use a Mouse Click Counter?
  • To start, you just need to visit the tool, where a number will appear at the top of the page along with a button that reads Start Clicking in which you will be able to count the clicks easily and quickly.
  • The counter will only count clicks when a button is clicked or when a click is performed over the number.
  • You can reset the number of clicks by refreshing the page by clicking on the Refresh button of your browser.
What are the uses of an online click counter?
The calculator can be used for basic calculations as well as counting the number of products, physical exercises, like push-ups and pull-ups, or tasks that involve repetitions.
Why use this click calculator?
Here are the reasons why you should use our click counter tool.
  • It saves you time, so you can use it without any hassle. By utilizing the click counter, you'll be able to save time.
  • It’s free and can be used by anyone, anywhere, and as many times as you want.
  • You'll be able to calculate your clicks, as well as see your exact clicks and click on the counter, very helpful.
  • Mobile users will find it to be an interesting addition since they can access the same web version from their mobile devices. You just need the Internet and a browser.
  • The tool is also compatible with all major browsers, such as Opera, Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Internet Explorer, etc.
  • To access the tool, you do not need to create an account. The tool can be used directly.
  • Without any lags or hangs, our tool performs its function correctly. Clicking speed can be increased instantly.