Compare two pieces of text using our Difference Checker tool.
Sometimes, you need to find similarities and differences between files. Such comparisons are challenging to do manually because they are large or too time-consuming. In such cases, our difference checker tool will come to your aid.
This online tool compares each word between two pieces of text. Then, it will show you one or more of the following between two pieces of text -
What usually takes hours or more to manually verify large text files, takes hardly a few seconds with our diff checker online tool.
Follow these steps to compare text online and find differences between a few lines of text or text files.
Our difference checker tool will show you the comparison in color-coded format.
Text comparison is a mandatory yet cumbersome task for any human. From correcting students' answer sheets to checking syntax errors in program codes, small mistakes or changes can go undetected by the human eye.
Using the diff checker, you can compare new revisions or versions of a text file to existing verified versions.
You get the following benefits when using our text difference checker online.
Comparing two pieces of text content or text files is an essential function in many technical areas. Given below are some common scenarios where text comparison helps reduce manual comparisons -
The diffchecker tool compares any kind of text files and strings. Such text can contain numbers, alphabets, and special characters.
As of now, we do not have the option to upload text or image files to diff checker. However, you can copy and paste the content of the files for comparison. If you have an image and a reference image in a vector or matrix format with numbers or hexadecimal, you can perform an image comparison.
No, we do not have any fixed limits for the text to compare.
Our diff checker uses color codes to differentiate between the two text files. Do check out the Interpreting results of the diff checker tool section to learn more.
We value your data privacy and we do not store the input text once you hit clear. Moreover, we do not transfer the data to any external source for comparison. So, your data safety is assured.