
Random Combination Generator

Your words

What is a Combination Generator?

A Combination Generator or Pair Generator merges or joins items in one or more lists in pairs. This combination results in several pairs of items grouped in a random or sorted order.

You can generate any number of random or all possible combinations at once. Additionally, you can group combinations by lists and order them in a sorted manner.

Moreover, the combination generator is the best random pairing generator for various real-life applications and use cases. Although many database software suites and spreadsheet tools provide this feature, this tool is far easier to use for anyone without a deep learning curve.

How to use the Combination Generator tool?

Follow these steps to generate pairs of items from one or two lists.

  1. In the first text box, enter the names of each item or person in your list.
  2. Enter the next set of items in the second text box.
  3. In both lists, if you write each of your entries in a new line, uncheck the “Split list items by Comma.” Otherwise, check the same box and enter your items as comma-separated entities.
  4. Select how you want your result pairs to be grouped and ordered. If you need to learn about these, scroll further to learn more about the different pairing methods available.
  5. Also, select how you wish to separate your output pairs when they appear in the results. You may display each result in a new line. Or you can separate them with a pipe (|) operator, space, or comma.
  6. Click on “Generate Combinations”.

Types of Random Combinations

Consider the following names from List 1:

  • David
  • Archie
  • Frankie
  • Jughead

Let us look at another list containing subject names:

  • Social Sciences
  • Economics
  • Political Sciences
  • World History

All Combinations

This option lists all possible pairing combinations between two lists. Here, every element in one list has more than one pairing combination from the other list.


So, the results for All(random) would be as

David - Social Sciences, Frankie - Economics, Frankie - World History, Jughead - Political Sciences….and so on.

On the other hand, All(sorted) would sort the entire list of paired entries. Sorting is, by default, done in increasing order for numbers and alphabetical order for characters. So the above results would be as

Archie - Economics, Archie - Political Sciences, Archie - Social Sciences, Archie - World History, David - Economics, David - Political Sciences….and so on.

Let us see some more options available in our random matching generator.

Unique Combinations

This option lets you pair any one item from List 1 with any random item in List 2. The resulting output pairs are unique, with no two items in List 1 having the same pair.


The above pairs would be the results when you choose the Unique (Random) option. If you want the Unique (Sorted) list, the results will be -

Archie - World History
David - Economics
Frankie - Social Sciences
Jughead - Political Sciences

Combinations from a single list

It is possible to generate all pairs of combinations from a single list. This pairing is similar to the concept of inner joins in databases. In this pairing, every element in a list is paired with every other element in the same list.

However, the output eliminates duplicates and generates unique pairs. So, when you choose All Combinations from List 1 only (random), the random pairing generator shows the following pairs.


The sorted option is similar to what we learned earlier, where the output results are sorted and displayed.

As an activity, why don’t you try the single list combination pairing for items on list 2? You may verify your answers using All Combinations from List 2 only.

Applications of Random Pair Generator

Pairing has many professional uses and also helps in many fun activities. Here are some common scenarios where pairing can be helpful.

  1. Pairing players in multiplayer games.
  2. Selecting random project partners for academic projects in schools and colleges.
  3. Finding all possible password combinations in cryptography.
  4. Matchmaking for fun games in an impromptu setup.
  5. Performing join operations without needing a database or spreadsheet tool.
  6. Selecting elective subjects for each student and preparing a new list.


How are combinations and pairs generated from two lists?

The random combination generator merges one or two lists to provide combination pairs without duplicates. Depending on your requirements, you may choose to have a unique pair or more than one pair for each item in your list.

Can we get the random matching generator results without repetition?

Yes. The results show that there are no items in the “A-B, B-A” format. You can get either A-B or B-A at random.

What are the ways we can combine items in 2 lists?

You may choose “All” or “Unique” options to generate pairs from 2 lists. The All option generates all possible pairs for each entity, while the Unique option pairs each item with a random element from the other list.

Can the combination results be viewed easily?

Our tool offers various ways to split the output pairs, making them easily readable. You may copy your output results to a separate file or paste them anywhere you want.

How is the random combination generator better than Excel and database pairing/join functions?

This tool requires no additional installations or learning. Anyone can use this tool across ages and genders.