Your QR Code

Create Your Own Personal vCard QR code for Free

What is a vCard QR code generator?

A virtual contact card is used to share contact details on mobile devices. Share your vCard instantly with an option to scan quickly. That’s where a vCard QR code can be helpful, it can generate a free QR code that you can use to share your contact details.

You can store all your basic information in a vCard like Full Name, Mobile Number, Email, Company name, Address, and Website URL.

How to create a vCard QR code?

  1. To create a vCard select vCard from the dropdown option in the tool above.
  2. Now enter your Full name, by filling up your first name and last name.
  3. Next, Enter your contact details like mobile number and email for people to contact you.
  4. In case you own or work for a company you can enter the company name as well in the company input box. If you don’t want to add the company name you can skip this step
  5. Add your address details by providing street, city, state, and country names in their respective input boxes.
  6. Lastly, add a URL to your Website to make it easier for your followers to check your business. Finally, click on the Generate button to create a QR code for your virtual contact card.

Where can I use vCard QR codes?

  • When we hear the word contact card, the first thing that comes into our mind is business networking. If you are a business owner, you can share your vCard QR code with other business owners and clients for them to contact you. Add a QR code on your business cards and badges for people to connect to you fast.
  • If you are a digital artist you can add a QR code to your artwork, for people to contact you whenever they want to contact you for any queries or suggestions.
  • You can add QR codes to your resume to make it easier for hiring managers to contact you, also you are adapting to a change and making your CV look more dynamic than the old boring and standard resumes.