Your QR Code

Create Your Own Email QR codes for Free

What is a QR code for Emails generator?

An email has been a way of communication for a long time now, especially for commercial purposes. With QR code email you can generate preformatted emails for your customers and audience to contact you easily.

With an Email QR code generator, you can send emails in the following formats:

Email address only:

Emails address with Subject:

Email address with subject and body text:

How to create an Email QR code?

  1. First, select the QR code type to Email from the drop-down list.
  2. Now In the Email input field, enter the email of the recipient. You can add a single email or multiple at once separated by a comma (,). An example of an email format has to be as:[email protected].
  3. If you want to add a subject to the email, you can do the same in the input option named Subject.
  4. Next, add the body of the email. You can add preformatted content so, that it can be easier for your audience to just scan and send the email, without the need to type in any extra details.
  5. Finally, click on the Generate button to initiate a new QR code. Once the QR code is generated you can download, share and print the QR code by selecting the respective buttons.
Also try out our Bitcoin/Crypto QR code Generator

Where can we use Email QR codes?

Apart from the above use cases, you can use them for many other purposes as well. You can print QR codes for promotional or marketing purposes by embedding them into your business cards, products packaging, or invitation brochures.