A binary numeral system is a base-2 numerical system used in digital electronics. It represents numbers using two values, 0 and 1. In this system, bits are read by the computer as "On" and "Off," where 0 represents the "Off" state & false and 1 represents the "On" state & true. The term "bit" stands for "Binary digITs." A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer, representing a single binary value of 0, 1, or a combination of zero and one. A byte indicates a sequence of 8 bits used to encode one character.
Human language cannot be understood by the computer, and binary language (0,1) is usually incomprehensible by humans. So, how can our instructions be transmitted to the computer? To easily understand human language, we need a tool that can convert it into binary digits. Here's where our free tool, the text to binary converter, comes in handy. It allows you to convert ASCII text into binary code, following the ASCII code standards, which are widely used in electronic equipment as a standard for character sets.
To find out what the binary equivalent of an ASCII text is, you should use an online text to binary conversion tool. You can complete it in a matter of minutes.
Converting English text to binary allows you to send an encoded message that no random person would be able to read, thereby protecting sensitive information. By using our user-friendly text to binary converter tool, you can easily convert English letters to binary for free and without having to deal with unnecessary details or instructions. You do not need to install anything or have any expertise to use the tool. The only thing you need to do is provide your text, and the tool will swiftly convert it into binary codes in a few seconds.
You can use the best binary translator, our text to binary converter tool, to convert text to binary by following these simple steps:
To manually convert text to binary, there are two methods. While online conversion is simple and convenient, manual conversion becomes challenging as your text grows longer. Here are the steps for manual conversion of a single English letter to binary:
However, manual conversion can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Utilizing our smart text to binary converter tool, you can quickly and easily convert text to binary code without any hassle.
Here is a chart showing the ASCII values and their corresponding binary representations:
ASCII Character |
Hexadecimal | Binary |
NUL | 00 | 00000000 |
SOH | 01 | 00000001 |
STX | 02 | 00000010 |
ETX | 03 | 00000011 |
EOT | 04 | 00000100 |
ENQ | 05 | 00000101 |
ACK | 06 | 00000110 |
BEL | 07 | 00000111 |
BS | 08 | 00001000 |
HT | 09 | 00001001 |
LF | 0A | 00001010 |
VT | 0B | 00001011 |
FF | 0C | 00001100 |
CR | 0D | 00001101 |
SO | 0E | 00001110 |
SI | 0F | 00001111 |
DLE | 10 | 00010000 |
DC1 | 11 | 00010001 |
DC2 | 12 | 00010010 |
DC3 | 13 | 00010011 |
DC4 | 14 | 00010100 |
NAK | 15 | 00010101 |
SYN | 16 | 00010110 |
ETB | 17 | 00010111 |
CAN | 18 | 00011000 |
EM | 19 | 00011001 |
SUB | 1A | 00011010 |
ESC | 1B | 00011011 |
FS | 1C | 00011100 |
GS | 1D | 00011101 |
RS | 1E | 00011110 |
US | 1F | 00011111 |
Space | 20 | 00100000 |
! | 21 | 00100001 |
" | 22 | 00100010 |
# | 23 | 00100011 |
$ | 24 | 00100100 |
% | 25 | 00100101 |
& | 26 | 00100110 |
' | 27 | 00100111 |
( | 28 | 00101000 |
) | 29 | 00101001 |
* | 2A | 00101010 |
+ | 2B | 00101011 |
, | 2C | 00101100 |
- | 2D | 00101101 |
. | 2E | 00101110 |
/ | 2F | 00101111 |
0 | 30 | 00110000 |
1 | 31 | 00110001 |
2 | 32 | 00110010 |
3 | 33 | 00110011 |
4 | 34 | 00110100 |
5 | 35 | 00110101 |
6 | 36 | 00110110 |
7 | 37 | 00110111 |
8 | 38 | 00111000 |
9 | 39 | 00111001 |
: | 3A | 00111010 |
; | 3B | 00111011 |
< | 3C | 00111100 |
= | 3D | 00111101 |
> | 3E | 00111110 |
? | 3F | 00111111 |
@ | 40 | 01000000 |
A | 41 | 01000001 |
B | 42 | 01000010 |
C | 43 | 01000011 |
D | 44 | 01000100 |
E | 45 | 01000101 |
F | 46 | 01000110 |
G | 47 | 01000111 |
H | 48 | 01001000 |
I | 49 | 01001001 |
J | 4A | 01001010 |
K | 4B | 01001011 |
L | 4C | 01001100 |
M | 4D | 01001101 |
N | 4E | 01001110 |
O | 4F | 01001111 |
P | 50 | 01010000 |
Q | 51 | 01010001 |
R | 52 | 01010010 |
S | 53 | 01010011 |
T | 54 | 01010100 |
U | 55 | 01010101 |
V | 56 | 01010110 |
W | 57 | 01010111 |
X | 58 | 01011000 |
Y | 59 | 01011001 |
Z | 5A | 01011010 |
[ | 5B | 01011011 |
\ | 5C | 01011100 |
] | 5D | 01011101 |
^ | 5E | 01011110 |
_ | 5F | 01011111 |
` | 60 | 01100000 |
a | 61 | 01100001 |
b | 62 | 01100010 |
c | 63 | 01100011 |
d | 64 | 01100100 |
e | 65 | 01100101 |
f | 66 | 01100110 |
g | 67 | 01100111 |
h | 68 | 01101000 |
i | 69 | 01101001 |
j | 6A | 01101010 |
k | 6B | 01101011 |
l | 6C | 01101100 |
m | 6D | 01101101 |
n | 6E | 01101110 |
o | 6F | 01101111 |
p | 70 | 01110000 |
q | 71 | 01110001 |
r | 72 | 01110010 |
s | 73 | 01110011 |
t | 74 | 01110100 |
u | 75 | 01110101 |
v | 76 | 01110110 |
w | 77 | 01110111 |
x | 78 | 01111000 |
y | 79 | 01111001 |
z | 7A | 01111010 |
{ | 7B | 01111011 |
| | 7C | 01111100 |
} | 7D | 01111101 |
~ | 7E | 01111110 |
DEL | 7F | 01111111 |