Binary to Text Converter

What is a Binary numeral system?

A binary number is expressed using the base of two numerical values in digital electronics. Which is (0, 1). These bits are read by the computer as On and Off, respectively (0 as off/false & 1 as on/true). Bits mean "Binary digITs." A bit is the smallest unit of data in a computer, representing a single binary value of 0, 1, or a combination of zero and one. A byte indicates a sequence of 8 bits used to encode one character.

Human language cannot be understood by the computer, and binary language (0,1) is usually incomprehensible by humans. So, how can our instructions be transmitted to the computer? To easily understand computer language, we need a tool that can convert it into plain text. Here's where our free tool can convert binary code into a text that is easy to understand and to print by humans.

What is a Binary to Text Converter?

If you find a long section of information written in 0s and 1s, you might wonder how it can be translated into plain text. It is difficult to convert these details into plain text. By directly converting binary code into its English text, the tool can save you time when converting binary to text. Changing binary to decimal and decimal to ASCII value (English Text) is the first step if you want to do it manually. Changing it manually is obviously a time-consuming process. Here’s where you can convert binary values instantly using our tool.

Binary Translator: How to translate from Binary to Text?

You can use the best binary translator to convert binary to English letters by following these steps:

  1. First, ensure the options Binary & Text are selected.
  2. Now, enter the binary value in the input field.
  3. Click on the Convert button to start the conversion from Binary value to ASCII text.
  4. The tool will then give you the Text of the given Binary number as a result.
  5. Finally, you can either reset or Swap the options, by clicking on the Reset and Swap buttons respectively.

What is ASCII?

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange is a standard for character encoding used for electronic communication. ASCII codes represent text in computers, telecommunications equipment, and other devices. In today's world, many character encodings are based on ASCII, including many additional characters.

U.S.-ASCII is the updated name for the encoding system, which clarifies that it was developed in the U.S. based on commonly used typographical symbols. ASCII is the traditional name for the encoding system. IEEE's ASCII standard is one of the highlights.

Uses of Binary Code Translator

  • One of the most common applications of this number system is found in computer technology. In digital encoding, a two-digit number system is a basis for all computer language and programming.
  • The display of a color will be determined by which bits are 0s and which are 1s on a screen using a sixteen-bit code. In this way, there are more than 65,000 colors represented by 2 ^ 16. The binary number system is also used in Boolean algebra, a branch of mathematics.
  • In the field of mathematics, logic and truth are valued. This application assigns a 0 or 1 to statements based on whether they are true or false. If you're looking for a tool that helps you with this application, you may want to try a binary to text converter, Decimal to Binary, Binary to decimal Converter.
  • Taking data and displaying it with restricted bits of information is what constitutes digital encoding. In a binary system, the restricted information consists of 0's and 1's. For instance, images displayed on your computer screen are binary information. Each pixel of these images is encoded using a binary line.
In case you want to convert the binary valuess to Text manually, you can use the following table as a reference:

Chart for Text to Binary conversion

Hexadecimal Binary ASCII
00 00000000 NUL
01 00000001 SOH
02 00000010 STX
03 00000011 ETX
04 00000100 EOT
05 00000101 ENQ
06 00000110 ACK
07 00000111 BEL
08 00001000 BS
09 00001001 HT
0A 00001010 LF
0B 00001011 VT
0C 00001100 FF
0D 00001101 CR
0E 00001110 SO
0F 00001111 SI
10 00010000 DLE
11 00010001 DC1
12 00010010 DC2
13 00010011 DC3
14 00010100 DC4
15 00010101 NAK
16 00010110 SYN
17 00010111 ETB
18 00011000 CAN
19 00011001 EM
1A 00011010 SUB
1B 00011011 ESC
1C 00011100 FS
1D 00011101 GS
1E 00011110 RS
1F 00011111 US
20 00100000 Space
21 00100001 !
22 00100010 "
23 00100011 #
24 00100100 $
25 00100101 %
26 00100110 &
27 00100111 '
28 00101000 (
29 00101001 )
2A 00101010 *
2B 00101011 +
2C 00101100 ,
2D 00101101 -
2E 00101110 .
2F 00101111 /
30 00110000 0
31 00110001 1
32 00110010 2
33 00110011 3
34 00110100 4
35 00110101 5
36 00110110 6
37 00110111 7
38 00111000 8
39 00111001 9
3A 00111010 :
3B 00111011 ;
3C 00111100 <
3D 00111101 =
3E 00111110 >
3F 00111111 ?
40 01000000 @
41 01000001 A
42 01000010 B
43 01000011 C
44 01000100 D
45 01000101 E
46 01000110 F
47 01000111 G
48 01001000 H
49 01001001 I
4A 01001010 J
4B 01001011 K
4C 01001100 L
4D 01001101 M
4E 01001110 N
4F 01001111 O
50 01010000 P
51 01010001 Q
52 01010010 R
53 01010011 S
54 01010100 T
55 01010101 U
56 01010110 V
57 01010111 W
58 01011000 X
59 01011001 Y
5A 01011010 Z
5B 01011011 [
5C 01011100 \
5D 01011101 ]
5E 01011110 ^
5F 01011111 _
60 01100000 `
61 01100001 a
62 01100010 b
63 01100011 c
64 01100100 d
65 01100101 e
66 01100110 f
67 01100111 g
68 01101000 h
69 01101001 i
6A 01101010 j
6B 01101011 k
6C 01101100 l
6D 01101101 m
6E 01101110 n
6F 01101111 o
70 01110000 p
71 01110001 q
72 01110010 r
73 01110011 s
74 01110100 t
75 01110101 u
76 01110110 v
77 01110111 w
78 01111000 x
79 01111001 y
7A 01111010 z
7B 01111011 {
7C 01111100 |
7D 01111101 }
7E 01111110 ~
7F 01111111 DEL