Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing 101: A Complete Guide

Facebook has 2.1 billion users today. Many small and large brands market their business on the platform to find their potential customers. They use Facebook for marketing to maintain their credibility. 87.1% of the US marketers use Facebook to market their business. Facebook can be an excellent tool for promoting your business and entering the deeper market. Your company may gain from using content marketing to communicate a coherent message after a strategy and plan have been implemented, followed by Facebook advertising to reach a certain group of people. 

This article will help you know better insights into Facebook marketing. 

What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing strategy means promoting your business on Facebook. It can help you build brand awareness, gather leads, grow online audiences, and increase sales. It consists of both paid and organic marketing. 

Facebook Marketing

Facebook marketing strategies include:

  • Facebook Groups
  • Facebook Ads
  • Organic Photo, Text, or Video
  • Contests and Giveaways
  • Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Facebook has significantly influenced how businesses utilize social media as a marketing tool since it introduced sponsored advertising in 2007. Facebook newsfeeds are overflowing with material, and the algorithm may overlook organic updates. Paid advertising enables companies to communicate with certain demographic groups, notably when announcing significant launches, upgrades, or campaigns.

What are the Benefits of Facebook Marketing for Business?

There are several benefits associated with Facebook marketing. We have mentioned five major benefits below:

Custom Tab Enable a Special Page

Facebook allows you to customize your page to stand out from the crowd. You can easily create custom tabs to enable your customers to browse through your profile and online store. This will help you redirect your customer to your website. 

Huge Exposure

Facebook is considered ‘The Megalodon’ of all the social media platforms. With the massive audiences of all age groups, it is easier to target our audience and curate your content accordingly. It also helps you to increase your Facebook reach

Cost Effective

You can easily create pages for your business to share your posts and videos and create engagement. Even Facebook ads also come at a cheaper rate. Hence, with just spending a minimal amount, you can reach thousands of prospective customers. It also gives you a higher ROI.

Competitor Analytics

It is essential to keep an eye on your competitors. As Facebook connects all in one place, it is easier to peep into your competitor’s accounts and see what they are doing. Doing so allows you to analyze the growth and see what tactics or strategies they use to gain exposure. Hence, it would be easier for you to boost your reach by using better strategies than your competitors.

Boost Website Traffic

This is one of the most advantageous features of Facebook marketing. With well-optimized campaigns, you can lead your Facebook audience to your website. Thus, increasing the traffic for your brand site. People who will be attracted and mesmerized by your product and services will end up landing on your website. This gives you a better opportunity to convert them into your customers. The best place to link your website is on your Facebook page’s ‘ABOUT US’ section.

By posting your blog posts on your Facebook page, you can ask for your audiences’ opinions and start a conversation, thus creating engagement. This will also allow you to be aware of the latest trend and what your audiences’ are looking for. This will also help you build long-term relationships with your existing and potential customers.

What are the Pros and Cons of Using Facebook Marketing?

Facebook marketing is an effective way to interact with your customers and build an audience. It offers a pool of opportunities to businesses, so many companies are starting to hone the skills of Facebook marketing. There are undoubtedly several advantages of using Facebook marketing, but there are also some disadvantages that we will discuss below.

The advantages of using Facebook marketing are:

  • Facebook marketing can lead to loyalty, customer satisfaction, and customer retention if used correctly and effectively.
  • You can share long and short messages and links to interact with your audience.
  • You can create reminders for events or workshops.
  • You can build a campaign with polls and questionnaires to gain insights into what is trending or what your customers demand. 
  • There are several users of every age group, and you are more likely to target a specific age group.

The disadvantages of using Facebook marketing are:

  • Facebook cannot create awareness of your brand or product on its own. Hence, an audience will only search for it if they know your brand by name. 
  • The cost of marketing is relatively high.
  • You need to invest more time in getting familiar with the tools and skills required.
  • Investing in ads and campaigns can be costly if you are a small business.
  • Many people can leave negative comments and reviews for your company and might involve their friends in doing so. This can take your brand from 100 to 0 in no time. 

What are the Types of Facebook Content to Market Your Business?

There are several content types on Facebook to market your business. Some of the best content types for your Facebook marketing strategies are mentioned below:

Types of Facebook Content

Humorous Content

When it comes to engaging your content, humor is the best content type you can use. You must be thinking -‘ Humorous posts are not professional. Will it go with my business type?’ Well, times are changing so is the audience. This is the era of Gen-Z, and they look for fun and engaging content. So, many marketers are using Gifs and memes to promote their brands.

Moment Marketing Content

Customers on social media platforms love seeing businesses take stands on social causes. This is the best way of marketing for business by engaging the audience around certain current events. A real-life can be taken and used to boost Facebook content. 

Video Content

Video content generates 13.9% of the organic traffic on Facebook. Hence, businesses are adopting video content marketing to remote their business and product. You can create a video on product descriptions or insights into your company’s activities. 

Live streaming is also trending these days. There are many benefits of live streaming, such as:

  • People love watching their favorite creators on a live video as they interact with them in real time. 
  • Live streaming encourages engagement as more people will join and have a meaningful relationship with your brand.
  • It is very cost-effective, making it feasible for small businesses to market their product efficiently. 

Facebook statistics revealed that around 57% of the businesses use Facebook videos to increase engagement.

Inspirational Content

People are drawn to inspiration. So, using inspirational quotes from great people and using them in your content can grab people’s attention quickly. You can combine the image of your business or product with the quote. Also, you need to understand that your content should add meaning to one’s life. People will watch your content if they create themselves with your content.


Now, who doesn’t love great giveaways? They are an excellent way of creating engagement. People are attracted to giveaways, so always include them with your content. This is one of the high-performing Facebook posts.

It is important to remember that a post’s performance depends on what content you use and how well you curate it.

If you want to carry out awesome giveaways on Facebook and boost your audience base, start a Facebook giveaway today using our FREE Facebook winner picker tool!

How to Create a Facebook Marketing Strategy?

Best Facebook Marketing Strategy

Creating a strategy for Facebook marketing is easy. Below are the steps to create a Facebook marketing strategy.

Create a Facebook Business Page

You’ll need a Facebook business page to start with Facebook Marketing. This will be the page face of your business where people will engage with your posts. Setting up a business page is easy, but configuring it is challenging. Here’s how to create a Facebook page.

  • Visit the Facebook official site.
  • Enter the name and description of your business. 
  • Add a category of your business, a profile image (company’s logo), a cover photo, and contact details.

Create a Facebook Content Calendar

To organize your posts, create a content calendar. With the help of a content calendar, you can enhance your work efficiency. Below are a few questions to consider while making a content calendar:

  • What to Post?
  • When to Post?
  • How Often to Post?

Promote Your Business Page to Gain Followers and Engagement

Now that your content calendar focuses on increasing the number of people on your profile. This is simply because – the more your followers like your post, the more it will appear on other people’s feeds. This also means that your business is legit and trustworthy. Also, it is believed that Google prefers sites with a robust social presence. Among all the social media, Facebook is at the forefront when it comes to marketplace.

A comparison of the social media platforms

You can increase engagement and followers by hosting an ad campaign, free giveaways, running incentives, etc. You can also boost your post. This will give your post better visibility so people who have not seen it before can see it now.

Know the Different Types of Ads Available

Different Types of Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are the most effective ways to grow on Facebook. So, before you set up an ad campaign, you must know the types of ads available.

Image Ads

Image ads are simple and mostly include descriptive text, a picture, and a CTA (Call-to-Action). 

Video Ads

Video ads are the best for showcasing your product in action. These can be short videos with your product description to grab your audience’s attention. The video’s first 3-4 seconds must be catchy to hook the people. 

Dynamic Product Ads

You can showcase various products from your eCommerce website with dynamic product ads. Facebook can show consumers particular products depending on their tastes and preference.       

Carousel ads are a set of images and videos which can show different products or a set of instructions on how to use a particular product. You can also add links to each image to attract the audience to your website. 

Set Your Marketing Goals

Now that you understand ads and the types of ads you can use, it is time to set your marketing goals. This will help you plan better and also give you a way to measure the strategy’s effectiveness. You may establish a variety of objectives for your Facebook marketing. The best options are available depending on your company’s needs. Below are some of the goals set by a company:

  • Generate Leads
  • Boost Brand Awareness
  • Drive Sales and Revenue
  • Engage Former Customers
  • Boost Online Traffic

By setting certain measurable objectives, you’ll be able to track your success.

Know Your Audience

Audiences are the group of people you target while running an advertising campaign. The Facebook audience has made it easy to target those from whom you can benefit the most. Some of the important factors are as follows:

  • Location
  • Education
  • Age
  • Work
  • Behavior
  • Gender
  • Life Events
  • Connections 
  • Interests

Facebook also allows powerful audience targeting in the forms of:

  • Custom Audience 

You can build an audience for yourself based on the data you have. This information can be gathered from offline clients or by Facebook pixel from online interaction with your website.

  • Lookalike Audience

The lookalike audience includes people who have never visited your website. You can create them by using custom and previous site visitors.

Conversion Tracking and Facebook Pixel Configuration

Facebook pixels help create custom audiences and retarget former customers by collecting offline and online data. By installing cookies on your website, the pixels enable you to track various actions taken by the users following activities:

  • Purchase
  • Lead
  • Add payment info
  • Add to cart
  • Search
  • View content
  • Checkout
  • Subscribe and many more.

Create your First Facebook Ad

Once you have enough data and information about your audience, it is time to create your first Facebook ads. Below is the configuration that you need to do at the time of creating an ad:

Create Your Facebook Ad

Set and Objective

Each Facebook ad has an objective, which tells what you want to achieve with the campaign. If you are creating a new campaign, click on CREATE NEW CAMPAIGN. Choose any from the sections given. 

Select an Audience

Once you set an objective, select your target audience with the help of the Facebook pixel.

Determine the Budget

Budgeting is a very crucial part. This is the amount you’ll be spending on your ads. There are mainly two types of budget:

  • Lifetime Budget – In the lifetime budget plan, the amount you select is for the entire campaign period.
  • Daily Budget – In the daily budget plan, Facebook will spend only the specific amount set by you. 


This feature allows you to determine at what time of the day you want to run your campaign.


Delivery is categorized into two parts – accelerated and standard. In accelerated delivery, Facebook will try to spend your budget as quickly as possible. Whereas, in standard delivery, Facebook shows your ad consistently throughout the day.

After you’re done configuring, Facebook will propose a format to employ. You can upload your creative assets after you have chosen a format.

Monitor Campaigning Format

Assessing and analyzing your campaign performance is very crucial. Some of the important metrics to include are:

  • CPC (Cost Per Click)
  • CTR (Click Through Rate)
  • Impression
  • Reach
  • Results
  • CPR (Cost Per Result)

If your campaign performs differently than expected, you can always boost your ads. Also, if you are getting a good number of visitors but need more clicks, it is time to enhance and optimize your website.

Start a Facebook Retargeting Campaign

This campaign targets people who have already visited your page or purchased from your website. As they are already familiar with your business, it is easier to target them. This helps you build a brand target.

Best Facebook Marketing Tools in 2022

Now that you know all about Facebook marketing strategies and its benefits, it is time to learn some amazing Facebook Marketing Tools in 2022:

Mobile Monkey

Mobile Monkey is an incredible way to help you increase user engagement effectively. It helps you create Messenger subscriber lists, send out broadcasts and drip campaigns, and reply automatically to the user’s comments on the posts and videos. 

It also offers comprehensive support for Facebook Messenger Ads, Sponsored Ads, pre-built chatbot templates, powerful chatbot analytics, and powerful chatbot builder.


Sendinblue helps create Facebook marketing campaigns efficiently by creating beautifully designed and compelling ads and CTAs. You can retarget a specific list of contacts which can also be used to find new leads.

Sendinblue will automatically optimize the daily spending once you have chosen your ad specifications to provide you with the greatest results. They also offer thorough reports on campaign performance.


Hootsuite is an excellent social media management and analytics tool. This tool can optimize your ad campaigns and enables you to target the appropriate audience. You can also use Facebook advertisements to generate leads and conversions while staying at the top of the metric. It can also help you understand Facebook pages’ readership and interact with them more effectively. 


Buffer is one of the most popular Facebook tools in the market. It helps in scheduling and publishing Facebook posts. Small and big enterprises most like Buffer because of its user-friendly interface. It has a browser plugin that seamlessly integrates with WordPress, Chrome, and other programs. 

In addition to this, Buffer also provides insights and analytics on Facebook reach, likes, and comments.

Facebook Ads Manager

Facebook Ads Manager helps you create and manage Facebook ads. It will help you target the right demographics and audience. With the help of reporting tools, you may understand your ad performance. With the help of Facebook Ads Manager, you can stop any ads to optimize your campaigns.

Fanpage Karma

Facebook karma is an all-purpose Facebook marketing tool. You can find effective information about blogging and content along with free monitoring of your page activities.


As mentioned above, Facebook marketing can help you gain an audience and boost your website traffic. However, with a great Facebook marketing strategy, you can reach those outside your followers’ list. Facebook is an excellent tool for small businesses. Feel free to use it for your growth.