Snapchat symbol meaning can be tough to decode for novice users. Snapchat is the new language in today’s era, making the platform so unique. Snapchat has made capturing quick images or short videos easy by adding captions or filters and sending them to as many friends as possible. In addition, you have several privacy options – you can set the chat to disappear soon after the message is seen, or you can delete it within the next 24 hours.
With all being said, certain things are not as simple as they seem. Though Snapchat has made it easy for you to share images and videos spontaneously and maintain streaks, you must have always wondered what all the symbols of different colors mean.
If you are confused about the colorful heart, and the arrows, the purple and blue boxes – this article will help you understand the Snapchat symbol meaning.
Emoji Snapchat Symbol Meaning
The emoji showing up to the friend’s name is not random. They have some meaning which resembles your friendship. Below are a few emojis Snapchat symbol meanings –

Gold Heart – The gold heart emoji means you and your friend are #1 best friends – which means you two have exchanged the most snaps.
Red Heart – The red heart emoji means you have been best friends for over two weeks.
Pink Heart – The pink heart emoji means you have been best friends for over two months.
Grimacing Face – A grimacing face emoji means you both send snaps to a common friend.
Smiling Face – Smiling face Snapchat symbol meaning is – you two are best friends, but not the #1 best friend. You can have as many best friends as you want.
Sunglasses Face Emoji – The Sunglass face emoji means you two share a common friend.
Fire Emoji – Fire emoji means you are on Snapstreak. The fire emoji will appear next to the days you sent snaps to your friend.
Hourglass – The Hourglass Snapchat symbol meaning is your streak is about to end. To avoid this, you must keep sending snaps to each other within 24 hours.
Did you know you can change the default emoji if you don’t like them? Here’s how you can do it –
- Tap on your profile on the left side.
- Tap the gear icon in the top right corner to open the settings.
- Scroll down to select ‘Manage’ under ‘Additional Service.’
- Tap ‘Friend Emoji’ and click on each friend to pick a custom emoji.
What does Purple Snapchat Symbol Mean?

The purple symbols in Snapchat are the zodiac signs. This means when any of your friends enter a birthday month. Their zodiac sign will show up near their names – which depends on the system you are using. Even if you don’t know their birthday, you will know their birthday month. On your friend’s birthday day, a cake emoji will appear.
The above-mentioned emoji means (top left to bottom right) –
Aries – March 21 to April 19
Taurus – April 20 to May 20
Gemini – May 21 to June 20
Cancer – June 21 to July 20
Leo – July 21 to August 22
Virgo – August 23 to September 22
Libra – September 23 to October 22
Scorpio – October 23 to November 21
Sagittarius – November 22 to December 21
Capricorn – December 22 to January 19
Aquarius – January 20 to February 18
Pisces – February 19 to March 20
What Does Message Status Symbol Mean on Snapchat?

Snapchat is filled with color-coded icons, each having different meanings left to right –
Red Solid Arrow – You sent a snap without audio.
Red Unfilled Arrow – Your friend opened the snap without the audio.
Red Filled Square – Your friends sent you a snap without audio.
Red Unfilled Square – You opened a snap without audio.
Red Double Unfilled Arrows – Your friend took a screenshot of the snap without an audio.
Red Replay Sign – Your friend replayed the snap without audio.
Purple Filled Arrow – You sent a snap with audio.
Purple Unfilled Arrow – Your friend opened the snap with the audio.
Purple Filled Square – Your friends sent you a snap with audio.
Purple Unfilled Square – You opened a snap without audio.
Purple Double Unfilled Arrows – Your friend took a screenshot of the snap with an audio.
Purple Replay Sign – Your friend replayed the snap with audio.
Blue Solid Arrow – You sent a chat message to your friends.
Blue Unfilled Arrow – Your friend opened the chat.
Blue Filled Square – Your friends sent you a chat.
Blue Unfilled Square – You opened a chat.
Blue Double Unfilled Arrows – Your friend took a screenshot of the chat.
Gray Filled Arrow – You sent a snap to someone who has not accepted your request yet.
Gray Unfilled Arrow – The chat has expired.
What are the Story Symbols in Snapchat?
When you post a photo or video of your Snapchat stories, it is usually visible by all your friends. However, you can choose to share a private story and allow some people to view them. If your friend posts a private story, you will see a lock symbol in the story.
Snapchat also allows you to share your story with a selected group of friends who can view it as a custom story. You will see a multi-person icon in the story while viewing them. If you can view the story, you can see other people who are also viewing the story but cannot remove or add any friends.
What is the Verified Snapchat Symbol Meaning?
The verified account symbol in Snapchat is different from other platforms. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter give a blue tick mark, meaning the accounts are verified. However, on Snapchat, you will find custom emojis next to a person’s story, usually reserved for celebrities. For example, you will find a Crescent Moon emoji in Ariana Grande’s profile, which means the account is legit and belongs to Ariana Grande.
Snapchat, at first, might seem tough to use. However, now that you understand the purpose of each emoji, enjoy using Snapchat on PC and mobile, create streaks, and flaunt it to the world.