Simple Ways to Promote Your New Facebook Page

You have set up your Facebook page for business, Now the question is how can you start to promote your new Facebook Page and get your fans to start engaging with you?
there are some few things that will help you to promote your new facebook page.

1. Use the network you already have

If somebody has already joined your email list, they mostly like to connect with you on facebook too. Send out an email to your contact list, you can also invite people to like your business on Facebook, this is the most popular way to increase your fan base!

2. Add a Follow Button on your website

A Facebook Follow Button is a widget you can add to your website that links people from your website to your Facebook Page, so it will make easy to your visitors to like your website.

3. Share Helpful content

Facebook is the highly visual channel, share images and videos when you can.
You can focus on:

a. Quality Content

It’s all about the content you post on the Facebook page. You can use the picture with the good message, followed by a high-quality video.

b. Viral Posts:

Try to create picture posts that are super informative and relevant to your audience, most important it must be sharable content. These are the kind of posts that can get you hundreds of page likes if done right.

c. Promote your page posts

Make it a point to share all your page posts on your profile, every day.

d. Use Facebook LIVE

facebook live is a basic feature that offers live-streaming video capabilities to users.
It attracts more followers, Users that follow you will be notified when you go live with a broadcast, so try to attract more regular “followers” on the platform.

e. Use Your Blog

If you have a blog, you have a bigger opportunity to increase your visibility facebook page.

4. Promote your Facebook page

a. Via Facebook Ads

If you’re consistently creating great content for your website and you want people to know about it, that why you share your posts on facebook but Facebook Ads will amplify the reach of your content. By using ads, you’ll actually end up getting more organic reach for your content. Running a Facebook Ad is an easy way to get your posts likes as well as a new audience.

b. On other Social Media

If you are active on other social media channels like Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn promote your page on those channels as well.

c. To Friends

where you are working or studying, tell your friends or colleges about your page.

Ready to promote your new Facebook Page?

Promote your page everywhere you can to increase your following and start making a real impact on social media.