How to Create A Business Facebook Page Without A Personal Account?

With more than 2.45 billion monthly active users logging into their accounts regularly, Facebook is now the biggest platform for business owners to market their products and services.

Many times, business owners wonder if it is possible to set up a business presence on Facebook without having a personal presence. Well, having a Facebook account is mandatory for a professional Facebook page.

Creating a Facebook Page without Business Profile

Many people fear their personal information being on social media and search for ways to make the visibility of their Facebook profile safe and private. 

So, here is the simple process to help you keep your private page separate from your professional business page.

Buckle up!

Select Your Facebook Name

Though choosing a name other than your real name isn’t what Facebook recommends, you can choose a nickname you are known by. You need not worry if the name is uncommon because you can make desired changes in the setting option to have less visibility. You can restrict Facebook searches as who can find you through Facebook or search engine searches. 

Go to Settings

After the new profile page is set up, go to the General Account Settings. You can access the setting from the top right corner of the Facebook page. 

From the Settings option, you can keep your profile as hidden as possible. You will see a Privacy option in the navigation bar after going to the General Account Settings. This way, you can commence the customization of the level of privacy.   

Friend Request

In this section, you can grant permission to others whether they can send a friend invitation to you or not. The below image will give you an idea of the options you will get. As per your needs, select the option you are most comfortable with, and proceed with the next segment. 

Who Can See Your Friends?

When it comes to a good networking approach, networking through friends’ list seems perfect.  Many business owners do not want people to sift through their profiles for networking. 

So, it is best to select “Only Me” option to keep such hassles at bay. It will make your friends list hidden from everyone. 

More Settings

Though it is not under Privacy Settings, it is best to know about other things you can control by accessing the Account Settings. 

  • Timeline and Tagging: It is essential in protecting your privacy because it lets you control who can tag you in posts or write on your timeline. 
  • Blocking: No one wants to waste precious time spending on blocking other people. However, in the business world, it becomes the need to block those who can hurt your business. 

Generate Your Business Page

Now is the correct time to get your business profile up and working. For this, you will have to visit Then, choose any of the categories best fit for your brand or organization. 

Now, fill the required details for the category you have selected. After that, click on the Get Started button to proceed further. 

Voila! The page is now all set to help you in your business growth. Make sure to complete the profile so that users can know about the type of product or service you offer. It will also help you in local SEO to make your business page stand out in the sea of competitors. 


There you have it! Facebook can be used for both business and personal purposes. It is quite a powerful tool for companies to enhance their online presence.  If you are considering creating a business Facebook page without a personal account, the above information would be of help to understand the process smoothly.