Hey, welcome to another guide of random tools, today, we’re going to learn how we can tag someone on Facebook.
So, Facebook added score relies on people and connections you make over the internet. You can connect with those people, whether your friends or co-workers, by tagging them on statuses, funny videos, or maybe some helpful content.

Whether you want to check in into your favorite restaurant, tag your best friend in your favorite picture, or write a lengthy post of gratitude to your friends or family, this is how we can tag someone on Facebook.
Let’s first open the Facebook application on your phone to get started, and then you can press the status button on the top. Here you can tag people supposedly, you want to tag a friend of yours or a co-worker, and you want to let the world know that you are with them at a specific place. You can tag them in your status or in a photo, so let’s see how we can do that.

We can first type out any sort of caption. Let’s just say: amazing concert tonight, and I can tag my friend, so let’s hit the ‘@’ button and my friend’s name since it’s a dummy account; we won’t tag real friends here, so I’ll use this to illustrate anyway. You can type out your friends’ actual username, and your friend will show in the list. You can tap on it, and then it will get tagged.
The blue highlight on ‘MyFriendTV’ shows that the profile exists and has been tagged successfully. Now, we can discard the post or post it if you want.

There’s another way we can do that, press the status option on the top, and then there is the option to tag people on the bottom, so press the tag people option, and here you will be able to see all your friends on Facebook that you can tag.
You can also tag your friends, family, or co-workers under a reel, a picture that is shared publicly on Facebook, so to do that, open the reel and then press the comment section on the right.

Then you can hit the add the red button and type your friend’s name, and it will appear. When you press on it, it will get highlighted in blue.
That’s it for today hope you enjoyed this guide, until next time!