Categories: Facebook

How to Hide Your Likes on Facebook

Facebook is the most popular site with lots of tricks. There are millions of people on Facebook but most of them don’t know how to use facebook smartly. If you are a Facebook newbie, you need to know lots of facebook tricks. There are lots of things on facebook you can do. You can hide your Facebook account, also you can hide your facebook likes.

There are several types of facebook likes which are Movies, Television, Music, Books, Sports Teams, Athletes, Inspirational People, Restaurants, Games, Activities, Interests, Sports, Food, Clothing, Websites, and Other.

For Hiding your facebook like you have to follow some steps, which are :

# Log in your Facebook account.

# Click on your Profile image or Name.

# Select “More” from the Menu bar.

# Then click on “Likes”.


#Now select “Manage”, which shows the pencil icon.


# Select the “Edit the Privacy of Your Likes”.


# Then Click on those Categories which you want to hide it’s like, for hiding it’s like click on the triangle.


# Select the Level of privacy.

It has the options: PublicFriendsFriends except for acquaintancesOnly Me, and Custom. If you want to hide your likes from all people then click on “Only Me”, If you want to hide your likes from people except your friends then click on “Friends”.

And the last step is to click on Close

Your likes should now be private. As like this you can hide your likes from your Facebook friends.

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