Categories: Facebook

Secure Your Facebook Profile In 6 Easy Steps

We know that Facebook is a wonderful platform, where all are connected with each other. Because of Facebook, we shared our thoughts, ideas and much more things with our friends. We enjoy a lot of things on facebook. As with all good thing, there is also a dark side of Facebook. Facebook hackers, thieves and other bad guys love Facebook almost as much as you do. Your personal data, your friend list all become so valuable to the scammers and hackers.

It is so important to secure your Facebook account and only you can make your account more secure. Here is some step to make your facebook profile as safe as possible.

1. Create a Strong password:

Always remember, whenever you create an account on any social media, make sure you create a strong password so that your account doesn’t get hacked. If your password is so simple, anyone can guess it and break into an account, If you want to secure your data then make a password difficult one.

2. Set a strong privacy Setting:

It is necessary to set a strong privacy setting to your social media accounts because you are sharing your personal information on it and if this information gets hacked, bad people will misuse it and the result of this, you might face some major problems. So whenever you create an account in any social media, Make sure you set a strong privacy setting. You should check to see what your privacy settings are set to at least once a month. There are so many privacy setting on facebook. If new privacy option becomes available, take advantage of them.
Also, it is good to set the two factor-authentification.

3. Be smart while posting anything:

There are some things that you should not post on Facebook like if you share your contact or mail id on social media, it is possible that hackers misuse your information. or if you share your current location on Facebook, it is possible that hackers could use your location to track you or If you post something, it should not affect other people, if that happens, people can take action against you in the future. So while posting anything on Facebook, Think once.

4. If your Facebook account gets hacked, report it immediately:

If you found that your facebook account got hacked, report immediately to the Facebook.com/hacked.  whenever you report them.  Facebook will guide you through some steps. which are

If you don’t know, how to find out your  Facebook account has been hacked or not?, Click here. It will give you all the information.

5. Make sure you’re browsing securely:

In last month, Facebook makes secure browsing default for all the users, to ensure that you are using a secure connection, click Security in the left side of Facebook’s Account Settings and make sure Secure Browsing is enabled.

6. Backup your Facebook data:

If your account gets hacked, deleted or disabled, then you could lose the stuff that is so important to you. So don’t worry, you can back-up your date form the facebook

How to Back Up All of Your Facebook Data

1. Log in to your Facebook account (from your desktop computer)

2. Click the triangle-shaped drop-down menu located in the top-right corner of the blue bar on your Facebook.

3. Click on “Settings”.

4. From the “Settings” tab, you will see at the top of the page

Click on this, then you will redirect to this page

5. From here you can download all your information.

By taking the above easy steps, you will connect with Facebook confidently.

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