Categories: Facebook

How to recover a disabled Facebook account

Recovering an account that you have deactivated yourself

  1. Go to facebook.com
  2. Type your email or phone and password

    Please use the same Email or Phone and Password that you used on the Facebook signup. If you do not remeber the password then please click on Forgotten account link and recover your password.

  3. Click on Log In button

    That’s it. You have recovered your deactivated account.

Recovering an account that was disabled by Facebook

  1. Understand if your account was disabled by Facebook

    If your account was disabled, you will see a disabled message when you log in. If you don’t see the message, then you’re probably just having an issue with logging in.

  2. Submit an appeal if you think your account was disabled by mistake

    If you think your acount was disabled by mistake then please submit an appeal to Facebook by using this link submit an appeal.

    1. The email address or mobile phone number you used to sign with Facebook.
    2. Your full name
    3. Your id if you have saved that as jpeg format
    4. Any additional information you want to put, please put in Additional Information section

    5. Click on Send button and your appeal to recover your disabled account has been submitted successfully.
  3. Now wait for Facebook to Follow-up
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