BabyAGI & AutoGPT - New AI Frontier?

Breaking the AI Barrier: AutoGPT, BabyAGI, and Jarvis Set to Unleash the Power of Autonomous Agent

NEWS As Research and Development are happening comprehensively in AI, 

NEWS programs like AutoGPT & BabyAGI are called autonomous agents, capable of doing all the tasks by themselves.

NEWS I As more and more experiments are being held on such autonomous agents, let's explore the concept with it's impactful applications and the future it holds for humanity.

NEWS Autonomous agents are programs designed to carry out specific tasks without human intervention. The process need a huge data to feed neural networks.

NEWS Autonomous applications include accessing the internet through apps, accessing credit cards for financial purposes, and GPT-4 access for research and development.

NEWS These AI agents are reportedly found in various forms. Some operate open source, and some perform as closed code systems, potentially rising ethical conflicts in the society.

WHAT IS AGI? AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence, capable of doing complex tasks, strict great conversations, writing songs, playing board games, and much more.

WHAT IS AutoGPT AutoGPT is an experimental bot for GPT-4 to perform tasks as an internet agent, from planning, coding, running Twitter, etc.

EXAMPLES Some famous examples of AutoGPT are AgentGPT, Microsoft Jarvis, CAMEL, Godmode, etc.

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