Tesla is unlikely to create a bot, and it'll be bad if released.

Deemed as outlandish during its announcement, also without provided proof of it's concept, Tesla Bot becomes more improbable as the time passes.

August 2021 - Elon Musk proclaimed Tesla's plans to prototype a humanoid robot with a human-like manoeuvre capabilities & functions, under the name of Optimus.

About a year later, without any further information about the project, set expectations higher up for a prototype to be presented during the Tesla AI day on September with a surfaced plan to go into production by 2023.

Partly, it's hard to initiate a human-like functioning robot because of the complex systems in human body. And the factor 'milti-functional' emphasises the overall application which could be unnecessary.

But, the agenda behind musk's initiative could just be of building the most advance prosthetics limbs in the future.

Therefore, even if released, the applications & possibilities doesn't look very practical at the moment.

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