Best Stargazing Apps for Astrophiles in 2023!

From stargazing planets to studying constellations, here are the best apps for Astrophiles in 2023

SKY VIEW  Sky View is the best app to experience constellations and stars by pointing at a particular star and getting the exciting information needed.

NASA APP  The NASA app will let you deep dive into space culture in the most exciting manner at your home comfort—a must-have app for space enthusiasts.

PHOTO PILLS  I Our personal favourite app is used to locate space objects in real-time and plan all the upcoming universal events like meteor showers, Supermoon, etc!

INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION  This app is explicitly made to comprehend the position of ISIS and the planets nearby to understand its cycles anytime.

SKY SAFARI  Travel through time by experiencing how the sky looked like thousands of years ago and experience the stars and planets in AR mode.

GOOGLE SKY Become the eye of our universe and see the data obtained from the Hubble Space Telescope, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Digitized Sky Survey.

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